Community Services
Go to:
- Respite Program
- Social Support Group (SSG)
- Case Management
- Community and Youth Transport Services
- Disability Services
- The Shed
Respite Program
The aim of this program is to:
- Offer support to carers,
- Provide transport to appointments
- Assist the eligible community members to remain living independently.
Eligibility is assess on individual needs.
The staff at BBNC will:
- provide a point of contact and advice to support carers
- assess the individual needs of both the carer and client
- network with a broad range of service providers
- assist with referral to specialist care
- assist with transportation
- aid independence of client
- facilitate access to various funding streams
- ensure patient privacy
- assist in enhancing quality of life to those in need.
Social Support Group (SSG)
Social Support Group is open to any senior citizen in the district and we welcome anyone who is interested to come along. The group meets every Monday for a day of activities, set out on a monthly calendar. A small charge applies to cover costs associated with activity.
The aim of this program is to:
- promote healthy ageing and boost self esteem
- increase socialisation
- to encourage members to feel part of the community
The staff at BBNC will:
- Arrange a variety of activities in consultation with group members
- Arrange transportation to and from activities
- Create opportunities for individuals to establish new friendships and build on old ones
- Provide a safe and entertaining environment for group participants
- Provide access to activities beyond the immediate Balmoral community
- Access funding to reduce the personal cost to participants
Case Management
The Case Management program is set up to provide a variety of services on an as needs basis.
The aim of this program is to:
- Provide quality care to the individual, to assist them to live in their own home for longer
- Improve quality of life
- Ensure patients have ease of access to vital services
The staff at BBNC will assist in the provision of:
- Individual assessment and development suitable service package
- Home care
- Home maintenance
- Meals on wheels
- Respite services
- Small equipment
- Personal alert alarms
- Regular visits from Case Manager
- Personal health supplies
- Subsidies and financial support for services
- Access to medication
Community and Youth Transport Services
The Transport Services program is a State Government subsidised program bringing affordable transport options to community members and students.
The aim of this program is to
- Provide affordable transport options to the residents of the Balmoral area
- Enable residents to access services not met within Balmoral
- Broaden opportunities for further education to the youth in the community
Through this program BBNC provide a bus for:
- Fortnightly trips to both Hamilton and Horsham
- Regular trips for the Planned Activity Group
- Community transport enabling people with disabilities to access specialist services
- Students to access specialised educational opportunities in Horsham
Disability Services
The aim of this program is to:
- Enable residents to, where possible, stay in their own home throughout a period of temporary or permanent disablement
- Assist carers and patients in addressing individual needs
The staff at BBNC will:
- Conduct assessment and provide referral advice
- Aid access to specialist care
- Assist in accessing funding support
- Provide small equipment items
- Provide regular routine health checks in the home
- Assist in reducing the burden and provide physical and emotional support to carers
- Provide opportunities to socialise and improve quality of life for both patient and carer
The Shed
The Shed is a workshop style community group that meets every Thursday afternoon at the Angling Club hall. All community members are welcome to participate.
The Shed (incorporating the Men’s Shed) serves as:
- A place for active participation in activities
- A place for regular social interaction
- A place to make things
- A place for learning new skills and creating new ideas
- A place for helping people
- A place for sharing ideas
- A place for community projects to be completed
- A place for afternoon tea and large cream sponge
If you would like to join in, or if you have a project for the team at The Shed, contact the Community Services Coordinator, Rebecca Kearns on 5570 1304.